Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Journaling through a blog

Although verbal communication has never been a problem for me, I've always been able to better express myself when I put my thoughts into words on paper (or on the computer screen as the case may be). Like Carrie from Sex In the City…it seems like whenever I'm struggling, philosophizing or working through something in my head about something….I start writing about it.

Journaling has been therapeutic for me in the past and I used to do a lot more of it. I still occasionally pull out my notebook while laying in bed and jot down random thoughts, but not nearly as often as I used to.

Before the days of email, I'd often write letters to people that I never intended to send. If I was upset about something, or had to talk to someone about something very important, I'd work it out on paper. Often just getting it all out of my system in writing would be enough. I'd put the paper in a drawer and 24 hours later, I'd pull it out and read it, and it's amazing how a cooler head would make me realize what I was upset about really wasn't that big a deal after all. Or, that what I wanted to say could be said better…or not at all. That process has helped me save many a relationship that would have been ruined if I'd spoken the words or sent the email when I was emotional.

There have been times in my life more recently, when I'd wished I'd have gone back to that tried and true practice. Especially with a man who was very important to me.

There was a part of our time together when we were separated by an ocean. He was in Europe on a work project for almost a year, and the long distance was tough on us. We were still in the early stages of our relationship, and we spent much of our time communicating through email. Because we were still getting to know one another we learned the hard way that the written word can leave room for misinterpretation. Tone can be misunderstood; and the "send" button can be hit too quickly. I can't count the times I'd wished I'd waited before hitting send. It's a reminder in general we should think and edit ourselves before we speak...especially in anger.

These days the journaling I use to do has been replace by careful blogging. I say careful because although what I write in the world of blogging will still contain much of what I'm thinking and feeling about life, love, family, career and relationships…but I'll be more guarded with my words knowing it has the chance of being read by others.

My mom use to tell me when I was little "don't ever write anything you wouldn't want read in front of the class". Great advice.

And I plan to work on this concept in my relationships....writing as if the world could read it... and speaking as carefully as I write.

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