Sunday, January 31, 2010

Musings on a Meat Free Year

Last year, I decided to give up meat for Lent. This February marks one year of my being meat-free. I admit, because I was never a big meat-eater (I mostly ate chicken and an occasional hamburger) I didn't think it would be that difficult. It was, actually, tougher than I thought. Anytime you tell yourself you CAN'T have something, of course, makes you want it more. I've been craving a Swenson's burger from day one!

My reasons for the decision were personal, and when someone would ask, I would share those reasons. But I have tried hard not to come off as preachy, or cause-driven at the least, or judgmental at the worst.

I've eaten meat for 50 years. In the past 2 years, however, I have learned through reading books, articles and watching documentaries on PBS and HBO that like many big businesses there is a great deal of corruption in the factory farming industry in general and the meat industry in particular. So I hope if you decide to read on, you will know that I do not have a problem with people who still choose to eat meat, but just want to share what I have learned because there has been more and more publicity on this subject of late. In fact, this past week, Oprah aired a program on where our meat comes from, and several of my friends said "wow, the stuff exposed on this show is what you have been talking about!".

Like so many industries, the meat industry has gotten very big--Walmart big, and has not had the right kind of regulation. Too much regulation would put restrictions on these companies that would cause a profit loss. So, the big corporations behind these huge factory farms use their money get the lobbyists keep the laws and restrictions light. As this country has witnessed, big business with little regulation can certainly lead to corruption as we've seen in our financial, pharmaceutical, and other industries. For the purpose of profit, livestock has turned into a mass-production business. Problem is, we are eating the results of this mass production, and the results are causing major health issues. Back in the day, cattle used to graze on grass on acres of land. Hens and chickens were cage free. Pigs lived on farms with room to eat and grow. It takes a few years for an animal to grow to an adult so they can be slaughtered for food, and factory farms have found a more profitable way of producing more livestock to grow more quickly.

Many researchers believe (although the stories are squashed) that the reason our young girls are developing breasts and going through puberty as early as 8 years old is due to the hormones in our meat and poultry supply, added to spur quick growth. The antibiotics injected into these animals is adding to the crisis of resistance to disease. There are many studies linking the additives in our food supply, even in the insecticides and pesticides used to grow vegetables inside factory farms, to causing so much of the cancer and autism rates we've seen in the past 10 years.

And INSIDE is the key word. On so many of these farms, calves, cattle, pigs and poultry never see the sun. They never see the outside of a pen. They are born, raised and slaughtered indoors. The same is true for so many of our vegetables. The red, green and yellow peppers that looks so perfect in our stores are artificially colored, and grow inside, under UV lights with additives some researchers say take away their nutritional value.

And if you are still reading, the living conditions of living feeling creatures inside so many (not all) of these farms is heartbreaking, and the slaughter technique used by many big business farms is horrific. There are ways to do a clean kill that are not being practiced. Pigs (one of the most intelligent animals next to humans and chimps) are often thrown into vats alive, to have their hair removed as are many calves. It takes too much time to kill them first. The cattle experience their horns being cut off, multiple brandings, and tagging of ears with staple guns; while pigs have their tails removed, which is excruciating as it is their pain mechanism, so they won't move in their pens for the time they are grown.

I never knew, never wanted to know where the meat I ate came from. I'd go to the grocery store, buy it, cook it and eat it. But now that I know, my passion on the subject, both for the cause of our health, and for animal welfare makes me want to speak out. I am mostly alone in my meat-free lifestyle. There are only 3 other people in my life who do not eat meat. So I am not suggesting no one eat meat anymore. I am suggesting that with a little research, (made easy with the Internet) you can find local farms that raise their animals and grow their produce the old-fashioned way. Supporting those farmers will be healthier for everyone. And you can feel better that the animals were treated humanely and lived a good life.

I know some believe it isn't appropriate to post cause-related subjects or information on a social networking site like Facebook; and that it should only be used for connecting with friends. While I keep learning lessons about how to use new media technology, and I know it has its blessings and curses, overall I believe social networking can be used to foster positive change because it can get information out to so many so quickly. And there are some causes I do believe are worth sharing. When I have posted links and information on animal welfare, or on the controversial Issue 2 last fall, the postings on my wall got intense and a few people were offended. I am sorry about that. And I learned a few lessons. A friend of mine who explained the benefits of Issue 2 (which passed by the way) assures me that its passing will actually help put a stop to some of the abuses in Ohio that were happening. I hope she is right.

I hope social networking can be used for the good, in that useful and thought-provoking information can be shared in a positive, informative, productive and not mean-spirited way. And I will work toward that goal in my future posts.

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